Welcome to Gateforth Farm



Seven generations see the Medwin family as the eighth longest continually run business in Tasmania. Pictured are current generation Phil, Fiona & Ruby Medwin.
First generation William, his wife Elizabeth and their eight children, arrived from England in 1841 and soon settled with a land grant at Black River far NW Tasmania. Most of the early years were spent clearing land, dealing with bushrangers and trying to establish themselves on their newly found wild habitat. The farm has been passed through the generations and has seen many changes through the cultivation of a diverse range of crops and livestock to meet the needs of an evolving young nation. An opportunity to grow on our knowledge in Horticulture presented itself and here we are fifteen years later engrossed in our new passion for growing peonies. This passion is spreading as we slowly branch out into other cut flower varieties to extend our season and to keep engaged with the current market.

Welcome to Gateforth Farm

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